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I believe I am truly practicing Anti aging!  Based on all current anti-aging/ skin care research which I did.  The way and process that I fixed my skin, I believe is virtually impossible.  BioKorium® Skin Care is AWSOME, or I should say my husband is awesome, he makes all my skin care.  Within 2 years, I have fixed my puffy eyes, sculpted my face, changed the texture of my skin, reduced the size of my pores, eliminated large pores, removed almost all the discoloration on my face, tightened and lifted my lips and above all I feel great!

I am currently training about 100 women on how to practice skin care my way! I want to thank all of my clients who were willing to try something completely different. What I realized is that my clients needed a skin coach in order to learn how and when to use active ingredients, especially if you want the ingredients to deliver BIG.

We started the BioKorium® Experiment about two and a half years ago, and we research the latest in skin care and anti aging regularly.  I have been in the skin care industry for about 30 years and it is my opinion today that everybody in the skin care industry has it all wrong.

Regardless of what process, procedure, or product that I use on my skin, it progressively improves everyday.  This is what I call anti aging, is my skin care process, not fillers and botox.  Removing the signs of aging, and how I did it will be coming soon in future blog posting.


  1. I miss Vivian so much

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