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Aging is inevitable, baby boomers are trying to defer the aging process and  are willing to spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars each year searching for hope in a jar.  Amid all the forever young scams – how do you determine what is hope or hype.  There are some power-boosting, disease-shattering, anti-aging strategies that can really benefit you and some that can really hurt you. But how do you sort them out with thousands of products and treatments available.

The baby boomers are buying into anti-aging procedures and products as: “cosmetic surgery” at $10,000 or more, “human growth hormone” treatment at $15,000 per year and a skin-care product called “Peau Magnifique” that costs $1,500 for a 28-day supply, anti- aging at any cost.  Treatment -based ingredients  like Glycolic Acid and Retin-A are already approaching $20 billion a year.

The Generation Y or Millennial folks are trying never to age at all.  Thirty-nine percent of women ages 25–34 state anti-aging is an important benefit they look for in facial skin care products.  They are buying up anti-aging or preventative-aging products at alarming rates.  Some of the top skin care products used by Generation Y include facial cleansers, lip products, facial/neck moisturizers, eye products and facial exfoliators/scrubs.  Women, age 25–34, represent 18% of all facial skin care users in the U.S., and use an average of three facial skin care products in a day, with facial cleansers topping the list.  More than any other age group, these women are seeking and searching online looking for information.  Could the information they are pursuing and the products they are purchasing actually create the aging process to occur faster?  Yes it can!  The knife cuts both ways, your dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t.

This Statement comes from the National Institute on Aging, they state that, “no treatments have been proven to slow or reverse the aging process” — therefore, “anti-aging” is a misnomer.  Yes, you may look younger by undergoing cosmetic surgery or using Botox,  filler’s or other temporary treatments.  But these products and treatments aren’t turning back the hands of time, nor can any type of supplement make you grow younger rather than older.  I personally don’t believe this statement to be completely true, and  you will never hear me talk professionally to my clients about anti-aging.  I do believe women who chase anti aging products will only feed the 20 billion dollar Skin Care Industry and the wrinkles on their face will still be there tomorrow. However I do believe that there are products that can S L O W down the aging process.

It is my experience as an esthetician for 20 years that we have to take a different approach to skin care as a whole.  I have reclassified myself as a “Personal Trainer for the Skin.”  I believe the goal for great skin is to have proper balance and movement of the skin.  Just as you have a healthy diet for your body you have to have a healthy diet for your skin and I don’t mean food, I mean ingredients. You have to make your skin work-young like when you were 20 years old and you have to keep it working.  Some of us will have to work hard at it, and others will hardly work.  I have to work hard it… I’m old.

Is it possible to keep our skin silky soft, supple, and forever young at any age?  I look at wrinkles, discoloration, and sagging skin like being overweight.  Can you lose 5 lbs, “yes,” can you lose wrinkles and tighten the skin “yes.”  The first thing I teach my clients is that you have to have healthy skin first and then you have to have a work- out program for your skin like you would have for your body.

When we start a new skin care program, for most of us, it will work for a while and then it stops working.  In order to achieve the most out of a Skin Care program you have to learn how to use skin care and find what ingredients are best in achieving your goals.  Your overall program has got to make sense.  Just as when you exercise and properly feed the body to lose weight, you need to move and properly feed the skin to maintain health and precise balance.  Skin health plays a crucial role in our overall well-being, after all, we must remember the skin is the largest organ of the body.

The skin speaks to us it tells us when it’s dry,hungry, sluggish, and thirsty … Just as our body does.  We’re not listening!


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